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 On the Border (Open)

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On the Border (Open) Empty
PostSubject: On the Border (Open)   On the Border (Open) EmptyMon May 22, 2017 6:23 pm

Freyja had grown bored, idle, in the reaches of the Fire Kingdom. So, she had stretched her wings and took off to the border, in the hopes of glimpsing other dragons that weren't FireScales. She didn't bother with her kind. In her eyes, they were hot-headed and rather uncivilized. She would have liked to join the SeaWings had she not been so.. weak to water.

So here she was, sitting on the cliffs, overlooking the sea. She gazed down at the water far below, water that rose up to crash among the jagged rocks that stuck up like spears. If one were to fall down there they'd either break everything in their body or get impaled. Probably both.

Dragging her tail back and fort across the grass, Freyja released a sigh, a sigh that sent smoke shooting out of her nostrisl. She was bored, and wanted attention, or at least something interesting to do.
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Posts : 3

On the Border (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the Border (Open)   On the Border (Open) EmptyTue Jul 04, 2017 10:05 am

Freedom, at last!

Kymon raced through the undergrowth, little legs carrying him over twigs and his head ducking to avoid hanging branches. The Caretakers had allowed him to go out and explore! "As long as you don't go out to the border," one of the older ones had said in that frail, quavery voice. "You can go wherever you want."

They had strongly advised not going near the FireScale territory, as it was full of hot headed dragons who would kill anything on sight. This, unfortunately, only spurred Kymon's curiosity, his imagination conjuring huge monsters of dragons who he could look up at and be in awe of. He had always wanted to be tall.

Leaping over a tiny, fallen log, Kymon's skidded to a stop just short of the cliffs, just as the waves crashed into it's face and sprayed him with water. Letting out a yip of joy, Kymon's spread his tiny wings and looked up at the sky, wishing he could just jump into the air and fly. Sadly though, he was not fully developed yet. It would be years before he could learn to fly.

Looking at the gap between the Shadow Kingdom and the FireScale Territory, Kymon's felt a pang of disappointment. He could probably glide there if he tried hard enough, but the cliffs here were far higher then the ones on the FireScale side. He could feel the heat wafting from within the territory, and it only made his longing to explore increase.

Little did Kymon know, as he contemplated how to get across, he was in full view of a red and back dragons sis.
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