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 Elora the SkyScale

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Female Posts : 22
Age : 23

Elora the SkyScale Empty
PostSubject: Elora the SkyScale   Elora the SkyScale EmptySat Mar 11, 2017 6:31 pm

General Information:

Name: Elora
Alias/Nicknames: Munch
Gender: female
Age(Human years): 15
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Dragon
Faction: Rouge
Rank: None


Height: 21
Weight: Average
Length: 30
Wingspan: 60
Eye color: Violet

Appearance description: Elora is a rather small and slender SkyScale dragon. Her scales are a rich ivory with a bit of an auburn sheen. Her scales fade into auburn at her small ears instead of horns. And her eyes are a soft violet color so subtle you have to pay close attention to notice them. She has a spike-less back. Elora's underside and underneath her wings are a pale green but appears blue to match the sky when she flies. Her talons are sharp and coated in a layer of smooth diamond, making them extremely sharp and tough for combat but also for great climbing. Around her neck she wars a small stone on a strap of leather which opens up to unfold a map of all the places she has been.


Likes: Travelling, making new friends, tulips, the occasional swim, and growing plants.
Dislikes: High pitched frequencies.
Fears: Tarantulas, others dying.
Personality description: Elora is a rather quiet dragon but smiles a lot and is very knowledgeable. Mainly about plants and more specifically herbs and health benefits or remedies. She is lighthearted and positive. She only shows her goofy side to her close friends or dragoms she really trusts. She has a slight temper but you rarely see it. She also does her best to refrain from fighting.


Family(Blood): She has a large family but was separated from them at a young age for reasons she can't remember. She also cant remember any of their names except for her twin's, which is Munch.
Family(In-laws): None
Mate(?): None
Hatchlings(?): None
Breed: Pure blood SkyScale

History: She was removed from her family at a young age for reasons she can't remember because it was not long after her hatching. she was raised by her Uncle Gordon until his death when she was thirteen and has been roaming ever since.


Strengths: Elora is a swift flyer and great at maneuvering in the skies. she hates battle but will attack an opponent if necessary to protect her or her friends. Elora is smart with her talons and scavenging. she is also handy dandy in the medical field and knows a lot about plants.
Weaknesses: Elora can be injured more easily by other dragons due to her size. And can sometimes get claustrophobic.
Physical abilities: Flight is her strongest ability. She is swift and maneuvers well through the air.  
Magic abilities: Can turn invisible, though it drains her energy very quickly, making her tired fast and, if she uses all of her energy, she will pass out and become visible again.

Sample RP post: Elora ventured an earthen path below the sunkissed leaves of yet another bright wood. Warm sunshine peaked between the branches of the treetops and danced across her back, down to the bracken. Streaming rays swayed through the air and softly lit the earth road ahead of her. It was like walking through a golden underwater. Breeze picked up the leaves and played with them while off in the distance could be heard wing beats of a dragon approaching. They gradually grew louder and through the trees. She gazed as a purple dragon passed overhead.

Alt If Applicable: None
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Male Posts : 107
Age : 23
Location : Georgia

Elora the SkyScale Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elora the SkyScale   Elora the SkyScale EmptySun Mar 12, 2017 4:52 am

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Elora the SkyScale
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