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 Storm's Art Gallery

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Male Posts : 107
Age : 23
Location : Georgia

Storm's Art Gallery Empty
PostSubject: Storm's Art Gallery   Storm's Art Gallery EmptySun Mar 19, 2017 1:13 am

Hello! Here is where I am going to post all of the dragon art that I do as I make them. I haven't done any full bodies yet(I am honestly scared to do it XD), but I have done some dragon heads, which I enjoy. I haven't done too much art lately but I am going to try to draw dragons more frequently now. dragon lick

So anyways, here you go:

This first one is from near the end of 2015, I believe, and I have improved SO MUCH since than. It's of my OC, Storm. You will see that my skills have really improved with the time.

Storm's Art Gallery Storm_Profile_Pic

So these next ones were from August 2016. Even in that half of a year since than I have improved a lot. Even though it was a pretty large time span since I drew Storm for the first time, I am sure I had drawn some dragons that I have forgotten about. But I took a sketching in between this time and improved a lot because of it. Sorry for all that rambling, here you go. XD

This one is Indigo from Wings of Fire:
Storm's Art Gallery SCN_0001_1

This is an art trade that I did with an online friend:
Storm's Art Gallery Tes_as_a_dragon__art_trade_with_tesartist__by_thekevdragon-dafla1s

This one is a drawing of Storm which I did in January. Haven't my drawing skills improved a lot?!
Storm's Art Gallery Quick_sketch_of_storm_by_thekevdragon-daufhif

Here is a drawing of Elora that I just did on March 18th:
Storm's Art Gallery SCN_0001_Copy

I have more drawings coming, so don't worry! Dragon Tea
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Male Posts : 107
Age : 23
Location : Georgia

Storm's Art Gallery Empty
PostSubject: Re: Storm's Art Gallery   Storm's Art Gallery EmptyTue Mar 21, 2017 6:47 pm

- Added drawing of Elora
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