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 Site Rules Must Read!

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God of Life & Seas

Male Posts : 158
Age : 31
Location : Somewhere where you least expect

Site Rules Must Read!  Empty
PostSubject: Site Rules Must Read!    Site Rules Must Read!  EmptySun Jul 10, 2016 2:36 pm

First off Welcome to Untamed Skies!

Our main aim for the site is looking to create a friendly and casual environment for all, mainly for those who RP we focus towards Dragons yet accept other flying mythical beasts like Griffins. Below is a quick list of what will not be tolerated here!

Our RPG Rating:

Site Rules Must Read!  L0_s1_v1

  • Verbal Abuse/Harassment
  • Racial terms or discrimination
  • Offensive Language & Spamming
  • Purposely Trying to kill/Injure another character, when owner hasn't agreed
  • Advertising in chatbox
  • Pornographic material  
  • Swearing (Will be warned)

Second Untamed Skies is a PG13 site, which means no mature content if you wish to rp the following contact via PM but keep it out of chatbox and the forum otherwise it will be deleted followed with a warning. Chatbox is to be a friendly and relaxed place, this means try to keep depressing topics or venting out of the chat. This will only worsen the situation rather than help, if you require help what ever it maybe contact a staff member we are here to help you.

Roleplay Rules

Finally the less serious notes about RP Rules, none of the following are allowed:

  1. No God Modding (Making your character Overpowered, or not getting hit in a fight for example without good reason)
  2. Meta Playing (Your character having knowledge which he/she shouldn't)
  3. Removing Character history which has already been RPed within the forum (See Staff if theres a good reason to do so)
  4. Gore & Blood must be at a minimum a little is fine but don't go writing 2 pages worth
  5. Chatbox RP isn't official as its not within the site lore  


Untamed Skies runs a 3 strike system, depending on what the failings are your strike level will change for example Offensive Language or Porn material will be treated strictly, sometimes even a temp ban. Yet small things like advertising will be given a warning. So if you run out of strikes you will be banned from the site for 48H when you return and continue your actions depending what it is the ban will return but to a week. Of course most of the system will be done with time and what offensive has been done.
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