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 Ember Alliance King/Queen Application

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3 posters
God of Life & Seas

Male Posts : 158
Age : 31
Location : Somewhere where you least expect

Ember Alliance King/Queen Application Empty
PostSubject: Ember Alliance King/Queen Application   Ember Alliance King/Queen Application EmptySat Aug 27, 2016 8:26 pm

As stated as above, follow the form below as post your application Smile

Closing 1st September


[b]What will you bring for the faction?:[/b]
[b]How will you treat your followers?: [/b]
[url=Link Here]Character Sheet[/url]
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God of Life & Seas

Male Posts : 158
Age : 31
Location : Somewhere where you least expect

Ember Alliance King/Queen Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ember Alliance King/Queen Application   Ember Alliance King/Queen Application EmptyThu Sep 01, 2016 4:36 pm


Increasing Timer to the 4th of September
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Ember Apprentice
Ember Apprentice

Posts : 4

Ember Alliance King/Queen Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ember Alliance King/Queen Application   Ember Alliance King/Queen Application EmptyFri Sep 02, 2016 6:44 pm

Name: Keltaca
What will you bring for the faction?: She will bring them a leader and possibly try to make alliances with the other tribes. For herself, she'll eventually become more confident rather than shy.
How will you treat your followers?: She would treat her followers very nice, considering they could easily kill her in an instant if she was alone.
Active?: I come on often, but being a new site I haven't had a chance to RP
Character Sheet
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Ember King
Ember King

Male Posts : 2

Ember Alliance King/Queen Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ember Alliance King/Queen Application   Ember Alliance King/Queen Application EmptyFri Sep 02, 2016 10:49 pm

Name: Flames
What will you bring for the faction?: Flames would bring his knowledge on combat, bring his ideas on defense and give them a strong and confident leader to protect them. He would try to make peace rather then war, trying his very best to protect as many followers and citizens as possible.
How will you treat your followers?: Flames would treat his followers with respect, allowing them to say what they need to say and do what they need to do. If they were busy with a mate or had a very hurt friend on the line, then he would respect that, he wouldn't bother them until they were good and no longer busy. He would allow them to take training lessons, go for any rank they desired and would try his best to get them what they needed if they needed something. Flames wouldn't treat any of his followers like slaves, rather treating them like family. Though if there was a war going on or he needed help with something important, he would ask some of his followers to help him out, if they said they couldn't, then he would ask for a reason and if it wasn't majorly important, he'd take it as an excuse, still, he still wants all of his followers to be happy and will sometimes let them off the hook if the reason he needed them wasn't too important.
Active?: My average activity is 6/7 the 7 days
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God of Life & Seas

Male Posts : 158
Age : 31
Location : Somewhere where you least expect

Ember Alliance King/Queen Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ember Alliance King/Queen Application   Ember Alliance King/Queen Application EmptyTue Sep 06, 2016 11:51 pm

Thanks for the apps Smile

I know its late but I've decided to go with Flames.

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Ember Alliance King/Queen Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ember Alliance King/Queen Application   Ember Alliance King/Queen Application Empty

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Ember Alliance King/Queen Application
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